The Trouble with Caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall, Energy Drinks etc…

  • By Glenna Reid
  • 01 Apr, 2011
Caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall and most chemical stimulants throw your system into brainwave state of alert/crisis by stopping your brain from producing your more intuitive & daydream evoking brainwaves (these brainwaves are what give you those all-important feelings of well-being). While eliminating these brainwaves gives you that instant rush of energy at first, you’ll notice that […] The post The Trouble with Caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall, Energy Drinks etc… appeared first on Brain Awakening.
Caffeine, Ritalin, Adderall and most chemical stimulants throw your system into brainwave state of alert/crisis by stopping your brain from producing your more intuitive & daydream evoking brainwaves (these brainwaves are what give you those all-important feelings of well-being). While eliminating these brainwaves gives you that instant rush of energy at first, you’ll notice that that “rush” soon dissolves into more of a generalized stress, anxiety and dis-ease. To find out more about how to balance your brainwaves to assist you in being more productive and tap into your natural energy store check us out at Brain Awakening.

Unfortunately many stimulants over-stimulate your system and throw you out of the optimal thinking/problem solving brainwave state right into a manic/anxiety brainwave state. You also may have noticed that while you may get a lot of tasks done at first while you’re on these stimulants – WHAT you’re getting done may not be the wisest choices. These choices often become motivated by your anxiety and stress; and drive you to “make mountains out of molehills” and then spend the rest of your day battling these made up issues. You are working hard but not smart, because the stimulants have suppressed your creative, intuitive source of wisdom in order to achieve the mild panic state you experience as “energy”. Check out Brain Awakening if you would like to tap into your natural creative source.

If you believe in the power of your thoughts to attract positive or negative experiences into your life, then you understand how destructive it can be to use stimulants that suppress the very brainwaves that offer you a sense of peace and well-being. That’s what caffeine has been clinically proven to do! Furthermore, Ritalin and Adderall are even worse in this regard. Our frantic “get ahead at all costs” society does not seem to realize that getting tasks done more quickly by sacrificing one’s sense of well being, may not be as effective as we once thought.

The other notable downside of chemical stimulants is that they tend to stay in your system for many hours longer than you want them to, resulting in restlessness, irritability, inability to unwind at the end of the day, and insomnia at night. If you are having problems sleeping find out how  Neurofeedback an help you.

Finally, many of these stimulants have been shown again and again in studies to be bad for your heart, because they force your heart rate to accelerate beyond normal functioning levels causing unnecessary stress and wear & tear on your body’s most precious organ.

If you are looking for a natural way to self regulate you body, increase attention and focus and to balance you brainwaves so that you can improve your performance then you will want to check out Brain Awakening.

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