Can I Treat My Depression Without Medication?


Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a result of an imbalance in the brain. Depression refers to a persistent sad mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in most activities.

Some symptoms include the following:

Apathy about things, people or activities that were once satisfying
Changes in appetite or weight
Restlessness or decreased activity noticeable to others
Loss of energy or feeling tired all the time
Difficulty in concentrating or making decisions
Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
Haunting thoughts of death or suicide
Life includes problems we don’t anticipate or enjoy, and these problems can sometimes trigger depression. But sometimes depression seems to sneak up on us out of nowhere. We also know that for some people at certain times, depression can actually trigger creativity. Throughout history, many masters in various fields (music, art, science) have been depressive types of individuals, using depression to prepare their brains to be in a more creative state. The good news is there is another way to enhance creativity and get out of the state of depression at the same time.

What about medications? Pharmaceuticals used to treat depression work on the entire brain when actually only a small part of the brain may need to be tuned up in the depressed person. Thus, drugs for depression may create side effects which are new problems to the individual user, and one problem is simply replaced by another.

In many cases, after Neurofeedback clients have reported to be happier and more productive in their lives.

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12.2% of Canadian adults will experience a depressive disorder in their lifetime. Of those who develop depression/anxiety, only a fraction of those sufferers will actually seek treatment. This can become an enormous burden for the sufferer as well as for their friends and family.

Deal With Depression Without Medication

Depression and the Drawback to Anti-depressants

Today I was working with a client and all of a sudden she had tears running down her cheeks and she was smiling. I asked her what was going on and she said “all of a sudden in the middle of my visualization I saw myself giving me a big hug. It felt so good to just be hugged.” Up until then it was really hard for her to love herself. She felt worthless, depressed and sad. She now tells me that she can’t even imagine how she felt only 5 days earlier. The sadness is completely gone.

We have become a society that relies a great deal on prescription  medications. For instance, we use antidepressants to change our mood. Although we rely on them heavily, some antidepressants don’t really work. Even when they do seem to help, they often lose their effectiveness over the course of treatment.
Anti-depressants are made to increase the chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Even when they work, it’s an artificial way to changing the brain, generating activity that’s not present in a normal brain. Though it may relieve the symptoms, the antidepressant doesn’t cure the depression. The cause, which lies in an imbalance in the brain, is untouched by the medication. In fact, the anti-depressant may trigger an even greater imbalance.

People tend to think of depression as a single syndrome, but it isn’t. To say that someone has “depression” is more about how the person feels a measurement of happiness then it is a diagnosis. When the brain patterns of depressed individuals are examined, it becomes clear there isn’t just one pattern associated with depression. In fact, at least sixteen dominant patterns have been detected.

No anti-depressant can possibly deal with all these behaviors, nor are they designed to do this. When an antidepressant affects all areas of the brain in the same way, it can reduce the effectiveness of those areas that don’t need dealing with in this way.

The process at Brain Awakening is much more precise. We look at a person’s emotional state from the vantage of seeing where the imbalances are in the brain and determining which balances or imbalances may be connected to the state of happiness. We see the reasons for the happiness or unhappiness in the brain activity and then target the specific areas that need attention.

Each brain is unique and so are our sessions.  We actually look at the brainwaves and bring them into balance in a way that is unique to you.

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